I recently read an article about vinyl fencing. It started off by saying something amazingly profound like, "Vinyl fences are some of the best looking, longest lasting, and most durable fences available. With an impressive resume like that, you can see why vinyl fences are quickly becoming a favorite fencing material for homeowners." If you're not asleep yet, you should be.

I'll be the first to admit that vinyl fencing isn't the most alluring subject in the world. I can't imagine any of you religious bloggers will be anxiously awaiting our next post. In fact, if you're reading this, chances are you're a hands-in-the-dirt kinda person, not a tickling typographer. You're a do-it-yourself-er and you're not interested in blog-stalking, nor are you planning to add us to your "blogs I love to read" list. You're looking for solid info.

Well, as uninteresting as this vinyl fence blog may sound to most, we think you've found the right place. The fact is vinyl fences are virtually maintenance free and they're tough as nails! No touch-up paint or annual stainings. Cleaning 'em is a cinch. Vinyl is also five times stronger than wood. On top of all that, it's long lasting and odds are it'll be the last fence you'll ever need to buy.

As we venture forth on this blogging journey, we’ll do our best to give you info, answers, maybe some fun projects, and hopefully a few laughs along the way.

We’re excited to have you as a reader and a customer.